Priced to Perfection • COG & Pricing Analysis
We help you to ensure that your beauty product is priced, not just for profitability at each distribution channel but also built on a framework that leverages your brand promise, product features, customer demographics, and market positioning.
This service is customized to your unique situation. We meet you where you are.
How it works:
(1) 90-min virtual strategy session
email support, as needed, for 1 month
We help you to ensure that your beauty product is priced, not just for profitability at each distribution channel but also built on a framework that leverages your brand promise, product features, customer demographics, and market positioning.
This service is customized to your unique situation. We meet you where you are.
How it works:
(1) 90-min virtual strategy session
email support, as needed, for 1 month
We help you to ensure that your beauty product is priced, not just for profitability at each distribution channel but also built on a framework that leverages your brand promise, product features, customer demographics, and market positioning.
This service is customized to your unique situation. We meet you where you are.
How it works:
(1) 90-min virtual strategy session
email support, as needed, for 1 month