what we do
We help motivated indie beauty founders to create, activate and grow captivating brands that will bring your customers (and you) JOY…
Whether you’re a beauty brand that’s just starting, scaling up or expanding globally, we’ll take you to the next level…
► by providing path-clearing, strategic guidance so you can get your sh*t all the way together,
► by assisting you in navigating a very complex industry without losing your way, and
► by clearing a pathway for you to grow a viable & highly profitable cosmetics business.
Our ultimate goal is to create an eco-system of support for beauty founders where you can find the guidance, assistance, education, resources, tools and help that you need to build wildly successful beauty brands.

Our philosophy is simple…
Elevate your beauty brand’s Foundation.
Elevate your company's Fitness.
Elevate your people’s Future.

why work with us
Over 25 years experience... developing, launching, managing, promoting & growing, large and small beauty brands, domestically & globally